under supervision

Current location and speed or important alerts for everything you want to know.

Consult the solution
Security and constant overviewSecurity and constant overview
Security and constant overview
5 850Vehicles
This number represents the count of units currently online, both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Installation Team
Certified technicians will quickly and reliably install the devices directly at your location within 2 days.
Proprietary System
With our own technological solution, we are ready to meet all your needs and requirements.
6Years on Market
Experts in GPS monitoring, we utilize the latest technologies to ensure 100% service.

Mít vše pod kontrolou je snadné!


non-binding request


according to the individual needs of the client


professional installation of equipment


into the app for full control

Consult the solution

Are you interested in this solution or do you just want advice? Feel free to call.

Jakub Štefan

+420 728 982 494

Jakub Štefan, LOGISCARE team

You can also write to us at

or use the contact form.